Perawat memberikan perawatan kepada klien dan keluarga di dalam komunitas mereka dan tempat pelayanan kesehatan. Untuk memastikan lingkungan yang aman, perawat perlu memahami hal-hal yang memberikan kontribusi keamanan rumah, komunitas, atau lingkungan pelayanan kesehatan, dan kemudian mengkaji berbagai ancaman terhadap keamanan klien dan lingkungan. Pengkajian yang dilakukan pada klien antara
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Label: artikel asuhan keperawatan
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:41 PM 0 komentar
Peran perawat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan keamanan dapat berperan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Secara langsung perawat dapat melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada klien yang mengalami masalah terkait dengan ketidakterpenuhinya kebutuhan keamanan. Adapu peran perawat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan keamanan adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Pemberi perawatan langsung (care giver); perawat memberikan
Label: peran perawat
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:40 PM 0 komentar
Beberapa permasalahan yang dapat menggangu keamanan dan keselamatan seseorang adalah tergantung pada manifestasi dari masalah keamanan yang dapat berupa injuri dan kesakitan atau penyakit. Injuri dapat ditimbulkan dari kecelakaan lalu lintas dari kendaran bermotor, jatuh, keracunan, tenggelam dan mati lemas, terbakar, kebakaran, tersengat listrik, kena radiasi, infeksi. Kesakitan atau
Label: keamanan
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:37 PM 0 komentar
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemanan dan keselamatan klien adalah faktor fisiologis (sistem muskoloskeletal, sistem neurologis, sistem cardirespirasi, aktivitas dan latihan, kelelahan), faktor toleransi terhadap stress dan mekanisme koping, faktor lingkungan (rumah, tempat kerja, komunitas, tempat pelayanan kesehatan, temperatur, polusi, bahan-bahan elektik/listrik, radiasi), faktor penyakit
Label: makalah klien
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:34 PM 0 komentar
Pengetahuan tentang pengontrolan injury sangat perlu dan dibutuhkan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini yang ditujukan pada komponen hal-hal yang membahayakan kemanan yang berkontribusi pada injuri baik non fatal maupun fatal. Istilah kecelakaan tidak begitu luas akan digunakan dalam diskusi pencegahan injuri, karena kecelakaan diimpilikasikan pada kejadian yang terjadi karena kehendak Tuhan atau
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:23 PM 0 komentar
Istilah siaga satu di dunia militer identik dengan keadaan darurat. Begitulah juga keadaan pencemaran udara di Indonesia. Terutama di kota-kota besar, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, dan Surabaya. Dari semua penyebab yang ada, emisi transportasi terbukti sebagai penyumbang pencemaran udara tertinggi di Indonesia, yakni sekitar 85 persen. Masalahnya, jumlah kendaraan bermotor di perkotaan
Label: Contoh artkel tentang penelitian kesehatan
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:17 PM 0 komentar
Ke Posyandu, Terhindar Busung LaparDUNIA kesehatan di Indonesia saat ini sedang ditimpa kasus- kasus yang tidak mengenakkan. Bermula dari kasus antraks di Jawa Barat, flu burung di berbagai daerah, malaria, polio dan lumpuh layu yang hampir tiap hari menghiasi halaman media surat kabar maupun layar televisi. Belum selesai kasus-kasus tersebut, sekarang muncul kasus baru yaitu busung lapar yang
Label: Artikel tentang Posyandu
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 9:55 PM 0 komentar
Contoh daftar pustaka
Barry PD. (1998). Mental Health and Mental Illness. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers.Ellis, J.R., Nowlis, E.A. & Bens, P.M. (1996). Modules for basic nursing skills. (six edition). Philadelphia: Lipicont-Reven PublisherJhonson, Marion., Meridean Maas. (2000). Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). St. Louis: Mosby.Kozier, B., Erb., & Oliver, R. (2004), Fundamental
Label: Contoh daftar pustaka
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:40 AM 0 komentar
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Medium Length Emo Hair Style For Girls
Medium Length Emo hair Style For Girls
Label: Emo Girls Hairstyles, Long Emo Hairstyles, Medium Emo Hair
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 5:38 AM 0 komentar
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Short Emo Haircuts For Summer 2008
To be an emo means to wear emo hair and emo hair normally covers the front of your face.However if you are true emo that small inconvenience wont stop you to wear emo hair in the summer months.Therefore if you still would like to feel comfortable in a hot summertime months you must consider to getting a new short emo haircut.Short emo haircuts for summer picture gallery:Short Emo Haircuts For
Label: 2008 Emo Hair, Blonde Emo Hair, Emo Boys, Emo Boys Hairstyles, Emo Girls, Emo Girls Hairstyles, Short Emo Hair, Short Emo Haircuts, Summer Emo Hair
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 6:27 AM 0 komentar
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Emo Music Trends
Emo MusicMusic plays a vital role in the emo culture. For many emo youths, music provides a creative means of self-expression. Whether they are creating their own tunes or listening to emo bands, emo youths seem to be most comfortable in the musical setting. In fact, emo has developed into its own musical genre. With roots in punk and hardcore rock, emo music varies between soft and hard, slow
Label: Emo Blonde Hair, Emo Culture, Emo Fashion, Emo Hair, Emo Jeans, Emo Music
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 6:52 PM 0 komentar
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Emo Fashion Styles For Emo Girls
Emo Fashion for Emo GirlsGirls who ascribe to the emo style tend to dress quite differently from their non-emo peers. Unlike many other girls, emo females do not aim to show off their sexuality through their outfits. They wear clothes that suit their mood and feelings.Emo FashionThese generally include very slim fitting outfits consisting of jeans and tees. However, they fail to reveal a lot of
Label: Emo Culture, Emo Fashion, Emo Girls Fashion, Emo Girls Hairstyles, Emo Hair Trends, Emo Jeans, Emo Shoes, Emo Trends
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 6:46 PM 0 komentar
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
KB, Keluarga Berencana
BAB IPENDAHULUANA. Latar BelakangKeluarga Berencana (KB) merupakan salah satu pelayanan kesehatan preventif yang paling dasar dan utama bagi wanita, meskipun tidak selalu diakui demikian. Peningkatan dan perluasan pelayanan keluarga berencana merupakan salah satu usaha untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian ibu yang sedemikian tinggi akibat kehamilan yang dialami oleh wanita. Banyak wanita
Label: KB
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 3:34 PM 0 komentar
Monday, April 14, 2008
Popular Emo Bands Fashion Styles
Choosing emo clothing is ultimately a reflection of personal style. With a little looking, you can find pieces to fit your emo look almost anywhere. However, there are some brands that cater more to the needs o the emo population than others. Perhaps the most popular emo brands is Vans.Originally geared towards the “skater” look, Vans offers a number of great style options for emo people. Vans
Label: Emo Bands, Emo Clothing, Emo Culture, Emo Fashion, Emo Music, Emo Styles, Emo Trends
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 6:41 PM 0 komentar
Saturday, April 12, 2008
How Feelings OF A Truly Emo Should Be
How to be Truly EmoAs emo culture has become increasingly popular, many people have chosen to adopt certain aspects of the emo style without fully embracing the emo lifestyle. This had led to considerable controversy as those who consider themselves “true” emo are angered by those who simply pretend to be because they think it is trendy.Emo CoupleWhat exactly makes someone a real emo, though, can
Label: Black Emo Hair, Blonde Emo Hair, Emo Culture, Emo Fashion, Get Emo Look, Layered Emo Hairstyles, True Emo Boys, True Emo Girls
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 6:54 PM 0 komentar
Friday, April 11, 2008
Trendy Mullet Emo Hairstyles For Emo Youth
Trendy Emo Hairstyles - Mullet Emo HairThe mullet is one of the trendiest emo hairstyles. This can be worn by both boys and girls. In this style, the back of the hair has a ling pony tail. Many a times it’s dragged to one side of the head. In this style if the bangs are taken to the right side, then the tail is taken to the left side.Black Mullet Emo Hair for BoysA straight fringe over the
Label: Emo Boys Hairstyles, Emo Colors, Emo Fashion, Emo Girls Hairstyles, Emo Guys Hairstyles, Emo Womens Hair, Mullet Emo Hairstyles, Multi Colored Emo, Trendy Emo Hair
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 7:28 PM 0 komentar
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Cute Emo Heart Pictures
cute Emo heart
Label: Emo Heart, Emo Love, Emo Trends
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 4:21 AM 0 komentar
Monday, April 7, 2008
Emo Boys Hairstyles With Fashionable Colored Bangs
This time we'll present fashionable and trendy emo hairstyles for boys. We can say that these emo boys hairstyles are not 100% emo, because they're much more fashionable and trendy and could be easily worn by non-emos, but since "wannabe" emo hair is becoming more and more popular with ordinary boys and girls we decided to show you some great "emo like hairstyles".Emo Boy HairEmo Boys Hairstyles
Label: Crop Emo Hair, Emo Bangs Haircut, Emo Boys Fashion, Emo Boys Hairstyles, Emo Couple, Emo Fashion, Emo Guys Hairstyles, Emo Trends, Multi Colored Emo, Spiky Emo Hair
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 10:35 PM 0 komentar
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Different Styles Of Emo Boys Haircuts
Emo hairstyles can be made by you, your best friend or your little brother. The style does not require a professional stylist or beautician. You can just cut the dyed hair all over in different shapes but the hair usually is always longer in the front hiding the face. You can also razor it in the back to have it spiky with the longer bangs for a weird looking hair cut. Both of these are
Label: Emo Boys, Emo Boys Fashion, True Emo Boys
Diposkan oleh anti-tattoo di 5:58 AM 0 komentar